Mathieu Daniël Polak
studied piano with Alwin Bar and Ton Hartsuiker at the Utrecht Conservatory and graduated there in 1997. In 2000 he then obtained his master's degree at the Nederlandse Beiaardschool (Dutch Carillon School) in Amersfoort. Specialization: carillon education. He obtained his master's degree in composition at the Lemmens Institute Leuven, Belgium (2013) and at the Hogeschool voor de Kunsten Utrecht (University of the Arts), 2010. He studied with Jeff Hamburg and Jeroen D'hoe.
In 2003 Mathieu became carillonneur in Spakenburg and in 2008 at the Erasmus University Rotterdam. From May 5, 2022, he is also carillonneur of Plein 40-45 in Amsterdam. In June 2023 he became one of the carillonneurs of Nieuwegein (province of Utrecht).
Mathieu is carillon teacher at the Nederlands Beiaardcentrum (Dutch Carillon Center) in Amersfoort, teaches piano at the Music School Amersfoort, private music teacher at the Utrechtse Heuvelrug (Netherlands) and pianist at the Jewish congregation Beit Ha'Chidush (House of Renewal) and the Liberaal Joodse Gemeente (Liberal Jewish Community) in Amsterdam.
He won prizes at carillon competitions in Hamburg (Germany) and Enkhuizen (Netherlands). "Fleurs de Cerisier" (Cherry Blossom) for wind quintet won the third prize in the Coma Maastricht in 2011 and "Puppy Love" for horn was awarded third prize at the composition competition IVME Antwerp 2011. His carillon piece "Dandelion Field" was awarded the second prize at the Johan Franco Composition Competition (Guild of Carilloneurs, North America) in 2017. His work "A Butterfly's Dance" won first prize at this competition in 2019.
With a grant from the Fonds Podiumkunsten (Performing Arts Fund), Mathieu composed and arranged the carillon suite "Chag Sameach" (joyful and good holiday wishes) which focuses on the Jewish holidays such as Purim, Passover, Hanukkah, Yom Kippur and Rosh Hashanah. Its premiere took place on May 7, 2019 and was performed by carillonneur Boudewijn Zwart on the carillon of the Westertoren in Amsterdam. For this he received the prestigious Visser Neerlandia Prize on February 1, 2020, which is accommodated at the Algemeen Nederlands Verbond (General Netherlands Association).
His compositional work
is groundbreaking concerning composing and arranging. He uses elements of non-Western music in his compositions and arrangements and so contributes to creative and innovative changes. These innovations are applied in the existing traditional and stylistic forms of music.